A doctor's an points a pen at a test results image for a patient
Navigating Pituitary Tumor Surgery: From Diagnosis Through Healing
Pituitary tumor surgery is a procedure in which an abnormal growth in the pituitary gland is surgically removed. Here’s more about when this brain tumor surgery is needed and how to request an appointment with Neurosurgical Associates of Central Jersey if you are experiencing symptoms of a pituitary tumor.What Is the Pituitary Gland?The pituitary gland, […]
A doctor feels the back of a male patient's neck
Understanding ACDF Surgery for Neck Pain and Spinal Concerns
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) surgery is a treatment performed to treat neck pain, spinal cord, and nerve root compression of the cervical spine. Here is a guide to understanding ACDF surgery and how to request an appointment with Neurosurgical Associates of Central Jersey if you are experiencing neck pain or have spinal concerns.What […]
A doctor explains Discectomy using a prop spine
Discectomy Dos and Don’ts: Your Guide to a Speedy Recovery
Discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure for treating a herniated disc that does not respond to conservative measures. A healthy recovery from discectomy can improve your chances of experiencing a great outcome and reduce your risk for complications.Here are discectomy recovery dos and don’ts and how to request an appointment with Neurosurgical Associates of Central […]
Herniated Discs NEURO
Herniated Discs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
If you or a loved one has ever suffered the pain of a herniated disc, you likely won’t soon forget the experience. The symptoms caused by a disc herniation can be excruciating, and they can affect how you go about your daily life. Here’s what you need to know about disc herniation and how a […]
Compression Fractures NEURO
Long Term Effects of Spinal Compression Fractures
Many people experience back pain in their life, especially as they get older. As our bones get worn down by the constant wear and tear of living, it’s a natural part of the aging process. While some back pain can seem expected, not all back pain should be ignored or brushed off. If you have […]
wrist pain
Causes of Nerve Entrapment
We have all felt the sensation of our arm or leg going to sleep, or the uncomfortable tingling that happens when we hit our funny bone. These experiences don’t usually last more than a few seconds, but if tingling, numbness, or pain last, it could be signs of nerve compression. Nerve compression syndrome, also called nerve […]
brain surgery neuro
This “Pink Drink” Leads to Better Outcomes in Brain Cancer Surgeries
What is 5-ALA Fluorescent Dye?5-ALA Fluorescent Dye, nicknamed the “Pink Drink,” is an optical imaging agent that is administered orally to brain cancer patients prior to surgery. 5-ALA, or 5-Aminolevulinic Acid, consists of fluorescent dye that glows when placed under UV light. Once ingested, only the cancerous cells glow. This allows neurosurgeons to target and […]
portable treatment for glioblastoma
Portable Treatment for Glioblastoma, Now Available
Dr. James M. Chimenti and Dr. Richard V. Buonocore are now certified to prescribe Optune® for the treatment of newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma (GBM). This wearable and portable medical device is the first FDA-approved treatment in more than a decade for newly diagnosed GBM.Optune is approved for the treatment of adult patients (22 years of age […]
A Guide to Brain Cells
What is the Brain Made Of?The brain is composed of 40 percent gray matter, which is made of neurons, and 60 percent white matter, which is made of dendrites and axons that the neurons utilize. The two types of prominent brain cells are the glial cells and the neurons. While neurons in the brain play […]
medieval image
Craniotomy Through the Ages: We’ve Come a Long Way
Craniotomy: To a veteran neurosurgeon, it’s just another day in the office, not even close to the most complex procedure one will perform in a given week. But a modern neurosurgeon has access to a variety of state-of-the-art imaging studies, precisely machined tools made specifically for neurosurgery, and thousands upon thousands of hours of practice.Given […]
woman with bad posture over computer
The Lost Art of Bending Over and Proper Posture
Imagine a culture in which back pain barely exists. It wouldn’t be our culture, that’s for certain. With 80 to 90 percent of Americans experiencing back pain at one point in their lives, “oh, my aching back” is almost a cliché. Subsequently, the list of spine conditions and procedures Americans commonly experience and undergo is a long […]
low back pain
Causes of Chronic Low Back Pain
Low back pain can really be a pain in the—well, back.This condition is one of the most common health issues around. In fact, 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time, and it is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. In many cases, low back pain can resolve itself over a period of […]
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